Blog guidelines

  • Be transparent
  • Be trustworthy. Be right.
  • Use good judgment
  • Blog frequently and intelligently
  • Build community
  • Disclose any connections with current or potential advertisers and marketers

  1. Only post things that you would want everyone (in school, at home, in other countries) to know. Ask yourself: Is this something I want everyone to see?
  2. Do not share personal information.  Ask yourself: Could someone find me (in real life) based on this information?
  3. Think before you post.  Ask yourself: What could be the consequences of this post?
  4. Know who you’re communicating with.  Ask yourself: Who is going to look at this, and how are they going to interpret my words?
  5. Consider your audience. Ask yourself: Do I have a good reason/purpose to do this?
  6. Know how to give constructive feedback. Ask yourself: What will I cause by writing this post?
  7. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. Ask yourself: Would I want someone to say this to me?
  8. Use appropriate language and proper grammar and spelling. Ask yourself: Would I want this post to be graded for proper grammar and spelling?
  9. Only post information that you can verify is true (no gossiping). Ask yourself: Is this inappropriate, immature or bullying?
  10. Anytime you use media from another source, be sure to properly cite the creator of the original work. Ask yourself: Who is the original creator of this work?